TEMPO lifting in your workout is a powerful way to get maximal stimulus in my lifts without having to go super heavy. This helps me at age 40 to avoid punishing my joints.
With beginner and intermediate lifters, TEMPO lifting is even more crucial. These are the years when you are learning proper movement patterns and developing your motor control. These are also years when you want to remain safe and keep yourself away from injuries that could be avoided with smart lifting practices. TEMPO is a fantastic tool to build strength for more novice lifters.
Many of us, myself included, came up in a culture of lifting weights where you were told how many reps and how many sets to do. If you checked those boxes, you were done and moved on. As we have become more educated on good lifting techniques, we have added more variables to the equation.
Adopting TEMPO into your lifting doesn’t mean you remove the focus on any of the other benchmarks that matter. Meeting your prescribed tempos is another marker of your success in each workout (or an opportunity to learn for next time).
Details Matter! The 6 Signs of Progress:
- Completing all prescribed sets in the workout
- Completing all prescribed reps (or within the given ranges)
- Following the prescribed rest periods (not tacking an extra two minutes on between sets)
- Working at the prescribed RPE (Rate of Perceived Effort)
- Progressive overload – could you add a little weight since last time? (This doesn’t have to happen every time, but when it does, you know you’re getting stronger.)
Reps, RPE, and Progressive Overload all still matter very much. Those variables are the foundation of effective lifting programs and you should still pay very close attention to them.
BUT they all come after you commit to HONORING the tempo in your lifting. TEMPO is nothing more than an additional variable that we add to lifting so that we can CONTROL for the cadence of a lift. By using TEMPO we can get all of the benefits of lifting, on top of having a very consistent and repeatable cadence that we execute all of our reps and sets at.