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Ankles & Wrists
15 minutes. Ankle Circles, Weighted Ankle Stretch, Heel Sit, Toe Sit, Wrist Circles, Wrist Extension & Flexion, Wrist Isometrics. Equipment: DB, KB, or weight plate.
Hip Mobility Sequence
20 minutes. Shinbox, Low Switch Cossack, Middle Split, Squat Hold, Slow Bodyweight Squat. Equipment: small plates, bench or stationary object for support, light jump stretch band (all optional).
Shoulder Mobility
14 minutes. Shoulder Circles, Shoulder Extension, Prone Raises, Prayer Stretch, Passive Hang. Equipment: Bench & Pull Up Bar
Thoracic Spine
12 minutes. Segmented Cat Cow, Childs Pose Lat Stretch, Side Lying Thoracic Rotation, T Spine Can Opener, Banded Shoulder Extension, Yoga Pushup. Equipment: light KB or DB (optional), foam roller, bench, or med ball, light jump stretch band.
Spine & Posterior Chain
15 minutes. Cat Cow, Shinbox ER Thoracic Rotation, Jefferson Curl, Half Kneeling Hamstring Stretch, Pike Stretch to Back Roll, Bodyweight RDL. Equipment: Bench or stationary object for support (optional).
Hip Flexors & Quads
10 minutes. Heel Sit, Reclining Hero Pose, Half Kneeling Anterior Line Stretch, Front Split, Bottom of Squat Hold. Equipment: Light jump stretch band, knee height stool or object,
12 minutes. Dynamic Adductor Stretch, Butterfly Stretch, Frog Stretch, Middle Split, Cossack Squat. Equipment: 2 weights (optional)
10 minutes. Side Lying Thoracic Rotation, T Spine Can Opener, Prayer Stretch, Prone Swimmer. Equipment: foam roller, stationary object to hold onto, bench.
Pike & Pancakes
13 minutes. Bodyweight RDL, Elephant Walk Step, Pike Stretch, Pancake Stretch, Air Squat. Equipment: weight plate or weighted object (optional).
Shinbox Special
12 minutes. Variety of shinbox stretches.
Middle Splits
11 minutes. Half Split Hip Hinge, Weighted Butterfly Stretch, Middle Split Stretches, Bottom of Squat Hold. Equipment: 2 weights (optional).
Front Splits
19 minutes. Supine Hamstring Stretch, Active Straight Leg Raise, Couch Stretch, Front Split Progression. Equipment: bench, band or towel, stationary object(s) for support.
Full Body: 5 min - 1.0
Cat Cow, Side Lying Thoracic Rotation, Shinbox Switch, Shoulder Circles, Squat Hold
Full Body: 5min - 2.0
Neck Circle, Torso Twist, Torso Side Bend, Shoulder Circles, Hip Circles, Leg Swings, Bodyweight RDL, Heel/Toe Raise
Full Body: 20min
Neck Circles, Kneeling Segmented Cat Cow, Banded Pass Through, Quadruped Thoracic Rotation, Yoga Pushup, Squat to Shinbox Switch, Squat Hip Rotations, Squat Thoracic Rotations, Cossack Squat, Long Split Squat, Forward Fold with Rotation. Equipment: light jump stretch band or PVC pipe.
Full Body: 30min
Wrist Extension & Flexion, Wrist Circles, Downdog to Updog, Prone Shoulder External Rotation, Prone Band Pass Through, Butterfly Stretch Fold, Crab Reach, Half Kneeling Hamstring Stretch, Half Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch, Pancake Stretch, Reclining Hero Pose, Reverse Nordics. Equipment: light jump stretch band or PVC pipe, knee height stationary object or yoga blocks.
Upper Body Mobility
18 minutes. Shoulder Circles, Childs Pose Lat Stretch & Reach Through, Kneeling Triceps Stretch, Behind the Back Neck Stretch, Prone I, T, & Y, Prone Shoulder Swimmer, Wrist Extension & Flexion, Downdog to Updog.
Active Mobility: 20min
Shoulder Axials, Active Scratch Test, Reverse Plank Bridge Hip Lifts, Downdog to Updog, Childs Poses, Shinbox Switch, Worlds Greatest Stretch Thoracic Rotation, Middle Split, Russian Baby Maker, Saddle Pose.
Spine Mobility
14 minutes. Cat Cow, Childs Pose Reach Through to Quadruped Thoracic Rotation, Prone Press Up, Bridge Pose, Worlds Greatest Stretch Thoracic Rotations, Bodyweight Jefferson Curl. Equipment: band or towel.
Simple Shoulder Mobility
12 minutes. Shoulder Extension Stretch, Prayer Stretch, Behind the Back Shoulder Stretch, Band Shoulder Pass Through, Active Scratch Test. Equipment: bench, light jump stretch band or PVC pipe.
Squat Mobility
24 minutes. Shinbox work, calf & ankle stretches, Frog Stretch, Active Hip Flexion, Russian Babymaker, Squat Rotations. Equipment: plates or DBs to assist stretch (optional)
Hip Internal Rotation
18 minutes. Hip Sleeper, Shinbox work, Half Kneeling Weight Shift, Squat Rotations, Active Supine Internal Rotation. Equipment: small plates for under heels and pillow (optional)
Hip External Rotation
24 minutes. Weighted Butterfly, Supine Figure 4, Shinbox work, Elevated Pigeon, Sidelying Active Hip ER. Equipment: bench, weight plates/DBs to assist stretch
Shoulder Flexion
16 minutes. Passive Hang, Sidelying Thoracic Rotation, PVC Lat Stretch, Prone Shoulder Flexion, Banded Lat Stretch, Banded Shoulder Flexion, Prone Shoulder Swimmers. Equipment: Pull up bar, jump stretch bands, PVC pipe, bench
Shoulder Extension
12 minutes. Passive Hang, Seated Shoulder Extension, Banded Shoulder Extension, Prone I Raise, Behind the Back Shoulder, PVC Extension. Equipment: Pull up bar, jump stretch band, bench, PVC pipe
Full Body: 30 Min - 2.0
Neck CARs, Segmented Cat/Cow, Banded Shoulder Extension, Shoulder Circles, Wrist Stretches, Bretzel, Lumbar Roll to Pike & Pancake, Pancake 3 Way, Cobra, Half Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch. Equipment: light jump stretch band, small stool for support
Low Back Pain Protocols
6 minutes. Prone Press Up, Deadbug, Forearm Plank, Side Plank, Pallof Press, Half Kneeling Hip Flexor, Supine Hamstring, Glute Bridge, Clamshell, Curl Up. Equipment: Theraband or hip circle (optional), thin band, towel or stretching strap.