Occasionally many of us find ourselves short on equipment when it's time to work out. Maybe you have to do a bodyweight workout without all of your equipment. Maybe you only have access to a few home implements and need a low equipment workout for home. If you want to purchase a few low cost items, we have a recommended purchase list below.
My hope is to provide a guide on some ways to navigate a variety of situations. Along the way you will learn a ton about training and adapting to new circumstances – which is a skillset that will serve any great coach or athlete. In a challenging situation, how you respond is up to you. Keep your strength, share your knowledge and resources with others, and remain committed to your fitness and your health.
Want a done for you program? Join Persist free for the first two weeks! Persist includes 5+ tracks, one of which is Minimalist equipment - plus bonus workouts with bodyweight only options.
Most of our training programs and coaching is broken into a few categories. I will provide some ideas on how to navigate these situations. Let’s do this!
Full Workout with 60-90mins:
1. Choose a warm up
3. Add one or two Absolute Strength pieces
3. Pick structural balance exercises that pair well; for example, same category as Absolute Strength or one of the following:
Push + Pull
Squat + Pull
Hinge + Push
4. Add in one core/plank focused exercise
5. Determine a conditioning
Short Workout 30-60mins:
1. Warm Up – 3 Rounds
2. Two Structural Balance Movements
3. Conditioning
Brief Workout 30mins or Less:
Extend a single Warm Up into a 30min time frame (10 rounds of it, 30mins continuous, EMOM x 30mins)
OR Absolute Strength Focus Supersets
Pick 2 or 3 Absolute Strength Focus movements and superset them x 4-5 sets each, resting about 45-60sec between each move
OR Structural Balance w/ Cardio
Pick 2-3 Structural Balance Movements and superset them x 4-5 sets. You will add a breathing piece here like a run, jump rope, burpee, or box jump, etc. Resting 30-45sec between each move.
OR Conditioning Only
Pick a format you would like to focus on that day and just do a singularly focused workout.
10mins @ 75%; rest 3mins x 3
3mins @ 90%; rest 2mins x 6
EMOM x 30mins
10 sets – Sprint 20sec; rest walk 2:40
NOTE: If you are new to this style of training, make sure you are familiar with tempo (31X1, etc.), supersets (A1, A2), and loading based on these variables. You can learn about these concepts in the Knowledge Base.
Most of our warm-ups and preparation sessions for FBB are built with low equipment or bodyweight in mind. Even for home workout situations or very low equipment setups, you will likely be able to do many of these as prescribed.
Warm-Up Formats
- 3-4 Sets (10 Sets):
Rotate 3-4 moves then rest 60-90sec between sets - EMOM x 12-15mins (30-36mins EMOM):
Rotate 3 movements that take < 30 seconds each, one at the top of each minute - 10mins Continuous Movement (30mins Continuous Movement)
Rotate 3 or 4 movements at a steady pace
*TURN YOUR WARM-UP INTO A WORKOUT – With these movements that require little to no equipment, they can make for great workout sessions if you simply extend the time duration or volume of sets. The RED above shows how you could make your workout for the day just an extended variation of the warm-up.
If some of the movements can’t be performed as written, then you can replace them with one of the following. This list shows you how we have many movements that require little to no equipment.
1. 4 Sets
6-8/arm – Half Kneeling Bottom Up KB Press @ 2010 tempo
rest 30sec
10m Lateral Band Walks/side
rest 30sec
12 Scapular Push Ups on Elbows
rest 60sec
2. 4 Sets
6 Tall Kneeling Single Arm Dumbbell Press/arm @ 31X2 tempo
rest 15sec
10m Goblet Loaded Lateral Band Walks/side
rest 15sec
30sec Kettlebell Side Plank/side
rest 90sec
3. 3 Continuous Rounds – Not for time
10m Quadruped Crawl Forward
10m Quadruped Crawl Backward
5m Tall Plank Lateral Crawl R
5m Tall Plank Lateral Crawl L
30 Ring Mountain Climbers (15/side) 1010 tempo
10 Dual Arm Dumbbell Upright Row (11X1)
4. 4 Sets
6-8/arm Half Kneeling Cross Body Dumbbell Press (2111 tempo)
rest 15sec
10 Side Planks Clamshell/side
rest 15sec
10 Single Arm DB Powell Raise/arm
rest 90sec
5. 4 Sets
15 Jane Fonda’s/leg
15sec Single Leg Glute Bridge/side
rest 30sec
20sec Ring Row Hold
10 Banded Good Morning 20X0
rest 60sec
6. 3 Sets
6 Half Kneeling Bottom Up KB Press/arm
rest 15sec
15m Single Arm Bottoms Up KB Overhead Carry/arm
rest 15sec
15sec KB Star Plank
rest 15sec
8-10 Russian Kettlebell Swings (EXTEND HIPS FAST)
Rest 90sec
7. 10mins Continuous Movement – Not For Speed but instead For Quality
50 Single Unders
8-10 Kneeling Banded Hip Extensions (EXTEND HIPS FAST)
5 Dumbbell Single Leg RDL (30X0)/leg
20sec Bent Hollow Hold
8. 4 Sets Not For Time
5 Single Arm KB Z Press
Rest 15sec
10-12 Banded Side Bridges/side (2sec hold at top)
Rest 15sec
20sec Psoas March
Rest 90sec
9. Breathing + Shoulder + Hip Speed + Overhead Prep
5 Sets
Row 125/100m (increase pace with each set)
6 Single Arm DB Muscle Snatch R
6 Single Arm DB Push Press R
6 Single Arm DB Muscle Snatch L
6 Single Arm DB Push Press L
rest walk 45sec between sets
10. 3 Sets
2 Turkish Gets Up R
4 Single Arm KB Press R
2 Turkish Get Up L
4 Single Arm KB Press L
Rest 15sec
5m Tall Plank Theraband Lateral Walk/side
Rest 15sec
6 Cross Body Single Leg RDL 30X0/leg
rest 90sec
11. 4 Sets
5 Half Kneeling Anti Rotation Single Arm DB Press/arm 30X0
Rest 30sec
12 Prisoner Tall Kneeling to Standing (6/side)
Rest 30sec
30sec Kettlebell Dead Bug (or DB)
Rest 60sec
12. 9mins Continuous – Move with Purpose and Control
20 Mountain Climbers
15sec Passive Bar Hang
6 Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift 30X0
10 Tuck Ups
15sec Bent Hollow Hold
1. 3 Sets
10 Quadruped Hip Extensions/leg (hold 1sec at top of each)
rest 15sec
30sec Forearm Plank – Protract Shoulders as far as possible
rest 15sec
10 Side Plank Rotations/side
rest 15sec
10 Jefferson Curls (low load slow and controlled) focus on simply execution of correct postures – with a PVC, bodyweight, or a light kb or weight
rest 90sec
2. 3 Sets
10 Bird Dog/side
rest 15sec
20sec Single Leg Ring Plank per leg (or on floor if no rings)
rest 15sec
30sec Glute Bridge Static Hold
rest 15sec
5 Plank Walk Outs
rest 60-90sec
3. 3 Sets
10 Quadruped Thoracic Rotation/side
rest 15sec
30sec Reverse Plank
rest 15sec
15m Quadruped Crawl (move very slow and deliberately – get the shoulders warmed up)
rest 15sec
10 Jeffersons Curls Light (PVC, just bodyweight, or light weight if you have one)
rest 60-90sec
4. 4 Sets
8 Quadruped Controlled Articular Rotations (CARs) per arm
rest 15sec
1 Wall Walk
10sec Wall Facing Handstand at top of Wall Walks
10 Wall Facing Shoulder Taps
(Scale to Feet on Box Pike Walk – lower box for lower skill requirement)
rest 15sec
10 Glute Bridge March (3-5secconds/leg x 5 rep each)
rest 60sec
5. Every 3 Minutes x 4 sets
15m Bear Crawl Forward
12 Goblet Curtsy Squats (6/side) – or bodyweight
15m Bear Crawl Backwards
12 Reverse Crunches
*rest remainder of the 3 minutes after you’ve completed the prescribed movements
6. 4 Sets
10 Tall Plank Shoulder Controlled Articular Rotations (CARs)/arm
Rest 15sec
5 Single Arm KB Rack Curtsy Squat (try to control the lowering on each rep for 2-3 sec each rep) R (or bodyweight if you don’t have a KB)
5 Single Arm KB Rack Curtsy Squat L
Rest 15sec
10 Supine Flutter Kicks
10 Supine Scissor Kicks
5 Supine Leg Raises
Rest 60sec
7. 3 Sets
10 Cat Camel (hold 1sec in both positions for each rep)
rest 15sec
30sec Army Crawler
rest 15sec
10 Dumbbell Side Plank Rotations/side (or bodyweight)
rest 15sec
5 Weight Plate Good Morning 30X0 (or Prisoner)
5 Weight Plate Squats @ 30X0 Tempo (or Prisoner)
rest 90sec
8. 4 Sets
5m Dual Theraband Tall Plank Lateral Crawl R (without bands if you don’t have them)
5m Dual Theraband Tall Plank Lateral Crawl L
Rest 15sec
10 Dual Theraband Air Squat @ 20X0 Tempo
Rest 15sec
5 Prisoner Good Morning
5 Single Leg Prisoner Good Morning R
5 Single Leg Prisoner Good Morning L
Rest 90sec
This portion of our training programs is when we get into larger compound lifts, typically loaded with barbells for ease of loading heavier. The goal is to use a variety of strength prescriptions here to improve movement quality, some top-end strength, and generally provide a full-body stimulus that will activate a neuroendocrine response to help your muscles grow and adapt.
We generally group these into major movement categories. Below you will find a list of movement patterns that we train for absolute strength. Categories are broken down by the pattern (ie. Vertical Pressing). I will give you some ideas on how to navigate eat pattern with a bodyweight or low equipment prescription to get an adequate dose response for this period of time.
Remember we are never going to replace externally loaded exercises with bodyweight movements. But we can do our best to provide enough stimulus to maintain this strength during this phase.
Normally this would be the part of your training where you load up heavy. Rep ranges would look like anything from 1 or 2 reps HEAVY, up to 8-10reps Moderately Heavy. What we are going to be doing with these movement patterns is to up the repetition ranges and TIME UNDER TENSION to try and achieve a similar dose without access to the larger loads that might be present at the gym.
RECOMMENDATION – Try to get at least 1, maybe 2, of each pattern in per week.
Double Leg Squatting
Back Squat, Front Squat, Overhead Squat, Thruster, Squat Clean, Squat Snatch – Sub with one of these:
With Dumbbells
- Dumbbell Suitcase Cyclist Squat; 3020 x 10-15reps
- Dumbbell Front Squat; 3111 x 10-15reps
- Dumbbell Thruster; 31X1 x 10-15reps
- Goblet Squat; 3030 x 10-12reps
With Recommended Home Equipment List (see bottom section)
- Banded Goblet Squats (hold band where goblet would normally be); 3030 x 10-12reps
- Theraband Air Squats; 4020 x 10-15reps
- Physio Ball Wall Sit; 30-60sec Hold
Bodyweight Only
- Bodyweight Cyclist Squat; 4040 x 8-12reps
- Bodyweight 1/14 Squats; 4020 x 10-15reps (4 sec down, 2sec to perform the 1/4/ squat)
- Wall Sit – 30-60sec Hold
Double Leg Hinging/Hip Extension
Deadlift, Sumo Deadlift, Power Clean, Power Snatch, Good Morning, Barbell Hip Thrust, Barbell Glute Bridge
With Dumbbells
- Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts; 4111 x 10-12reps
- Dumbbell Glute Bridge; 20X2 x 10-12reps
- Dumbbell Hip Thrust; 20X2 x 10-12reps
- Goblet Good Morning; 2020 x 10-12reps
- Dumbbell Frog Pumps; 10X0 x 20-25reps
With Recommended Home Equipment List
- Banded Good Morning; 3030 x 10-12reps
- Slide Board Hamstring Curls; 3011 x 10-12reps
- Physioball Hip Extensions; 2011 x 12-15reps
- Glute Loop Hip Thrust; 20X2 x 12-15reps
- Glute Loop Glute Bridges; 20X2 x 12-15reps
Bodyweight Only
- Double Leg Bodyweight Hip Thrust w/ Single Leg Eccentric; 30X1 x 10/leg (20 reps total)
- Frog Pumps; 10X0 x 25-30reps
- Prisoner Good Mornings; 3030 x 10-12reps
Upper Push Vertical
Press, Push Press, Jerk
With Dumbbells
- Push Press; 31X2 x 8-10reps
- Touch and Go Push Jerk; 20X1 x 12-15reps
- Dual Standing Arnold Press; 20X1 x 12-15reps
With Recommended Home Equipment List
- Parallette Pike Strict HSPU; 30X1 x 6-8reps
- Banded Presses; 3030 x 10-12reps
Bodyweight Only
- Yoga Push Ups; 3011 x 8-12reps
- Deficit Pike Strict HSPU (feet on chair, bench, box); 30X0 x 6-10reps
- Strict HSPU; 20X1 x 4-10reps based on skill level
Upper Push Horizontal
Bench Press, Close Grip Bench Press, Incline/Decline Bench Press, Floor Press, Dips
With Dumbbells
- Dumbbell Bench Press; 30X1 x 8-12reps
- Incline DB Bench Press; 30X1 x 8-12reps
- Glute Bridge DB Floor Press; 20X0 x 12-15reps
With Recommended Home Equipment List
- Banded Push Up; 30X1 x 8-12reps
- Feet Elevated Parallette Push Up (feet on physio ball or box); 30X1 x 8-12reps
- Parallette Elevator Push Ups; 3030 x 8-10reps (pause 1sec at each position top, ⅓, ⅔, bottom..
Bodyweight Only
- Clapping Push Ups; 10X0 x 10-12reps
- Deficit Elevator Push Ups; 3030 x 8-10reps (pause 1sec at each position top, ⅓, ⅔, bottom..
- Feet Elevated Push Ups; 30X1 x 8-12reps
- Bench Dips; 3030 x 8-12reps
Upper Pull Vertical
Strict Pull Ups, Wtd Pull Ups, Strict Muscle Ups, Legless Rope Climbs, L-Pull Ups
With Dumbbells
- Dumbbell Upright Row; 30X1 x 8-12reps
With Recommended Home Equipment List
- Strict Pull Ups (all grip variations); 30X0 4-12reps based on your skill and strength level
- Pull Up Negatives; 62J2 x 3-6reps (jump to top, hold 2sec at top, lower in 6sec, reset for 2sec)
- Active Bar Hangs; 20-60sec holds
- Scapular Pull Ups; 15-20reps
Bodyweight Only
- Active Hanging on Door (place hands close to door frame);
- Scapular Pull Ups on Door; 15-20reps
- Tree Branch Pull Ups; 30X0 4-12reps based on your skill and strength level
Upper Pull Horizontal
Prone Barbell Rows, Bent Over Rows, Pendlay Rows
With Dumbbells
- Prone Dumbbell Rows; 20X2 x 6-10reps
- Dual Gorilla Row; 21X1 x 6-10reps
With Recommended Home Equipment List
- Banded Bent Over Rows; 20X2 x 10-12reps
Bodyweight Only
- Table Body Rows; 3011 x 10-12reps
- Bed Sheet Door Jam Body Rows; 3011 x 10-12reps
- *check out this video for two options https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rloXYB8M3vU
This is really some of the most important work that we do in Functional Bodybuilding. This is the strength balance, unilateral, and small muscle work that accompanies all of our programs to ensure great foundational strength.
Unilateral Loaded Double Leg
Single Arm Rack Squats, Single Arm Thrusters, Single Arm OHS
With Dumbbells
- Single Arm DB Rack Squats; 30X1 x 6-8/arm
- Single Arm DB Thruster; 20X1 x 6-8/arm
- Single Arm DB Suitcase Cyclist Squat; 30X1 x 6-8/arm
Single Leg Knee Flexion
Cossack Squats, Curtsy Squats, Step Ups, Step Downs, Lunges, Split Squats, Pistols
With Dumbbells
- DB Front Rack Curtsy Squats; 30X1 x 6-8/leg
- DB Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats; 3010 x 6-8/leg
- DB Suitcase Drop Lunge; 3010 x 6-8/leg
- Goblet Loaded Pistol; 30X1 x 4-6/leg
- Goblet Cossack Squats; 3110 x 6-10/leg
With Recommended Home Equipment List
- Lateral Box Step Down; 30X1 x 6-8/leg
- Box Pistol Negatives; 31A1 x 6-8/leg (lower in 3sec, pause 1sec in bottom, assist yourself back to top, balance 1sec at top)
- Curtsy Step Downs; 30X1 x 6-8/leg
- Slide Board Reverse Lunge; 30X1 x 6-8/leg
- Slide Board Lateral Lunge; 30X1 x 6-8/leg
Bodyweight Only
- Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat; 30X0 x 8-10/leg
- Curtsy Drop Lunge; 30X0 x 8-10/leg
- Cossack Squats; 3010 x 8-10/leg
Unilateral Loading Hinging
Single Arm DB Romanian Deadlift, Single Arm Cross Body DB RDL, Single Arm Cross Body Jefferson Curl, Landmine Single Leg RDL
With Dumbbells
- Single Arm DB Romanian Deadlift; 3011 x 6-8/arm
- Single Arm Cross Body DB RDL; 3011 x 6-8/arm
- Single Arm Cross Body Jefferson Curl; 3030 x 6/arm
Single Leg Hinging/Hip Ext
Single Leg RDL, Cross Body RDL, Single Leg Hip Thrust, Single Leg Glute Bridge, Single Leg Good Morning
With Dumbbells
- Hand Supported DB Single Leg RDL; 20X0 x 10-12/leg
- Cross Body Single Leg RDL; 3011; 6-8/leg
- Dumbbell Loaded Single Leg Hip Thrust; 20X1 x 8-10/leg
- Dumbbell Loaded Single Leg Glute Bridge; 20X1 x 8-10/leg
With Recommended Home Equipment List
- Banded Single Leg RDL; 20X0 x 10-12/leg
- Glute Loop Single Leg Hip Thrust; 20X1 x 8-10/leg
- Glute Loop Physio Ball Single Leg Shoulder Bridge; 20-40sec hold/leg
Bodyweight Only
- Single Leg Cone Touch; 2010 x 12-15/leg
- B-Stance Hip Thrust; 20X0; x 12-15/leg
- Single Leg Glute Bridge; 20X0 x 12-15/leg
Single Arm Vertical Press
Half Kneeling SA Press, Tall Kneeling Single Arm Press, Filly Press, Single Arm Z Press, Single Arm Push Press, Landmine Press
With Dumbbells
- Half Kneeling Single Arm Press; 31X1 x 6-8/arm
- Tall Kneeling Single Arm Push Press; 21X2 x 6-8/arm
- Single Arm Arnold Z Press; 3030 x 6-8/arm
With Recommended Home Equipment List
- Standing Single Arm Banded Press; 31X1 x 8-10/arm
- Half Kneeling Single Arm Banded Press; 31X1 x 8-10/arm
- Single Arm Banded Z Press; 31X1 x 8-10/arm
Bodyweight Only
- Pike Handstand Shoulder Taps; 20-30sec Alternating
- Single Arm Downward Dog Scap Push Ups; 10/arm
Single Arm Horizontal Press
Single Arm Bench Press, Glute Bridge Single Arm Bench Press, Single Arm Floor Press
With Dumbbells
- Single Arm Glute Bridge Floor Press; 20X1 x 8-10/arm
- Single Arm Glute Bridge Bench Press; 20X1 x 8-10/arm
- Single Arm Physio Ball Bench Press; 20X1 x 8-10/arm
With Recommended Home Equipment List
- Slide Board Archer Push Up; 30X0 x 6-8/arm
- Off-Set Push Ups; 30X0 x 6-8/arm
Bodyweight Only
- Staggered Hand Push Ups; 30X0 x 6-8/arm
Singe Arm Vertical Pull
Single Arm DB Upright Row, Single Arm Bias Pull Up, Archer Pull Ups
With Dumbbells
- Single Arm Dumbbell Upright Row; 31X1 x 6-8/arm
- Single Arm Cuban Press; 3131 x 6/arm
- Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch High Pull; 20X0; 10-12/arm
With Recommended Home Equipment List
- Single Arm Bias Pull Up; 31X1 x 3-5/arm
- Towel/Rope Supported Single Arm Pull Up; 31X1 x 3-5/arm
- Banded Single Arm Upright Row; 31X1 x 6-8/arm
- Single Arm Active and Passive Hanging; 20-60sec/arm
Single Arm Horizontal Pull
DB Single Arm Row, Chainsaw Row, Chinese Row, Plank DB Row
With Dumbbells
- Tripod Dumbbell Row; 20X2 x 8-10/arm
- Bent Over See-Saw Row; 2020 x 8-12reps
- Dumbbell Elbowing Row; 3011; 8-10/arm
With Recommended Home Equipment List
- Single Arm Banded Chainsaw Row; 20X2 x 8-10/arm
- Seated Single Arm Banded Row; 30X1; 8-10/arm
Bodyweight Only
- Single Arm Bed Sheet Row; 21X1; 6-10/arm
Rotational Core
Landmine Twist, Russian Twist, KB Windmill, Turkish Get Up, Banded Chops
With Dumbbells
- Dumbbell Russian Twists; 30 seconds continuous
- Half Kneeling DB Windmill; 3030 x 6-8/side
- Half Kneeling DB Chop and Lift; 3030 x 6-8/side
- Turkish Get Up; 2-6 reps/side
With Recommended Home Equipment List
- High to Low Standing Banded Chops; 30X0 x 10-12/side
- Low to High Half Kneeling Banded Chops; 30X0 x 10-12/side
- Hanging Oblique Leg Lifts; 20X0 x 10-15/side
Core Flexion
Hollow Rocks, Strict Toes to Bar, Strict Knees to Elbows, Sit Ups, Turkish Sit Ups, V-Ups, Tuck Ups, L-Sits, Tuck L-Sits, L-Hangs, Tuck L-Hangs, Bent Hollow Holds
With Dumbbells
- Single Arm Dumbbell Turkish Sit Ups; 3111 x 6-8/arm
- Dual Dumbbell Hollow Hold; 20-40sec continuous
- Dual Dumbbell Leg Lowering; 3111 x 8-10reps
With Recommended Home Equipment List
- Banded Reverse Crunch; 31X1 x 8-10reps
- Strict Toes to Bar; 31X0 x 8-10reps
- Physio Ball Stir the Pot; 20-30sec per direction
- Parallette Tuck L-Sit; 20-30sec hold
Bodyweight Only
- Hollow Hold Flutter Kicks; 30-40sec continuous
- Supine Toes to Bar (use a wall and hand anchors); 40X0 x 8-10reps
- Straight Leg Sit Up; 20X0; 12-18reps
Plank Variations
Side plank, Clamshell plank, Adduction Side Plank, Star Plank, Single Arm Plank, Single Leg Plank, Contralateral Plank, Body Saw
With Dumbbells
- Dumbbell Side Plank; 20-40sec/side
- Dumbbell Adduction Bias Side Plank; 20-40sec/side
- Dumbbell Star Plank; 20-40sec/side
With Recommended Home Equipment List
- Single Arm Parallette Plank; 20-40sec/side
- Adduction Bias Side Plank; 20-40sec/side
- Glute Loop Clamshell Side Plank; 20-40sec/side
- Slide Board Body Saw; 2020 x 8-12 reps
Bodyweight Only
- Clamshell Side Plank Thrust; 20X2 x 8-10/side
- Contralateral Plank; 15-30sc/side
- Reverse Plank Bridge; 20-40sec
- Tuck Jumps
- Box Jump Step Down
- Run
- Jump Rope Singles
- Jump Rope Double Unders
- Mountain Climbers
- Burpees
- Sprawls
- Jumping Jacks
We approach conditioning many different ways in FBB programs. We cover a broad spectrum of time domains and utilize different energy systems in our weekly prescriptions.
Anaerobic – This is our higher power work that is anywhere from 20sec to 2mins long and intentionally done at a non sustainable pace. REMEMBER these workouts are all about HIGH POWER intent. You are not pacing these. Aerobic workouts are longer and more sustainable and described further below. Choose a mix of time domains and efforts throughout your week for balance.
THE SPRINT – 10-20sec Cyclical Sprint
Traditional FBB Examples
- 15sec Assault Bike Sprint; rest walk full recovery
- 100m Row Sprint; rest walk full recovery
Low Equipment/Home FBB Examples
- 12-15 Burpess as fast as possible; rest walk full recovery x 5-8 sets
- Hill Sprint 10-20sec; rest walk full recovery x 6-10 sets
- Slide Board Mountain Climbers x 20sec @ HIGH INTENSITY; rest 1:20 x 6-10 sets
Interval Gymnastics Training / Interval Weight Training
Traditional FBB Examples
- 5 sets – 10 burpee box jumps overs + 20sec AB SPRINT @ 95%; rest walk full recovery
- 3 Sets – 10 BJSD, 10 KBS, 250m Row @ 90%; rest walk 3-4mins
- Every 5mins – 10 Deadlifts + 15 Push Ups + 20 Calorie Assault Bike
Low Equipment/Home FBB Examples
- 5 sets – 10 burpees + 40 Double Unders; rest 90sec x 5-8
- 3 Sets – 20 Lunges + 10 Clapping Push Ups + 100m Run; rest 90sec x 5-8
- Every 4mins – 15 KBS + 12 Burpees + 9 Sit Ups + 45 Double Unders x 4-6 sets
Traditional FBB Examples
- 2mins AMRAP – 300m Row, 10 Burpees, Max Double Unders in time leftover; rest 3-5mins x 3
- 90sec AMRAP – 30sec KBS, 30sec Burpees, 30sec Assault Bike Max Cals
Low Equipment/Home FBB Examples
- 2mins AMRAP – Run 300m + AMRAP Burpees in time left over; rest 4mins x 4
- 90sec AMRAP – 30sec Jump Lunges + 30sec Burpees + 30sec Air Squats
This is our moderate to lower power output work that is performed at sustainable paces and covers a broad range of time domains. Some of our favorite applications of this sort of work show up in the following formats.
Remember this category of conditioning work is all about the sustainable pace you choose. Everything you do here should feel repeatable from set to set. Focus on quality, keep the breathing rate high, and make an effort to not go into the PAIN CAVE.
EMOM/Every 2mins/Every 3mins, etc; prescribed in a 1:1 work rest fashion.
Traditional FBB Examples
- EMOM x 15mins
- 1st – 10 burpee Step Ups
- 2nd – 15 KBS moderate load
- 3rd – Row 30sec @ 85-90% aerobic
- Every 2mins x 10
- 1st – 15 BJSD + 10 Dumbbell Power Clean and Jerks
- 2nd – Row 200 + 40 Double Unders
Low Equipment/Home FBB Examples
- EMOM x 15mins
- 1st – 10 burpee Step Ups
- 2nd – 20 Glute Loop Hip Thrusts
- 3rd – 40sec Single or Double Unders
- Every 2mins x 10
- 1st – 20 Step ups + 10 Goblet Cossack Squats
- 2nd – Run 200m + 40 Double Unders
3-10mins AMRAP @ 80-90% effort
(rest and repeat for a number of sets)
Traditional FBB Examples
- 10min AMRAP @ 75% (10 BJSD, 10 Cal Row, 30 Double Unders) rest 3mins, 10min AMRAP @ 75% (10 KBS, 10 HR Push Ups, 500m Bike); usually for 3-5 total sets
- 3mins AMRAP @ 90% (5 T2B, 20 Double Unders) rest 2mins; 3mins AMRAP @ 90% (10 Lunges, 5 Burpees) rest 2mins; usually for 5-10 total sets.
Low Equipment/Home FBB Examples
- 10min AMRAP @ 75% (15 Air Squats, 15 Sit Ups, 30 Double Unders) rest 3mins, 10min AMRAP @ 75% (10 HR Push Ups, 16 Walking Lunges, 200m Run); usually for 3-5 total sets
- 3mins AMRAP @ 90% (10 Tuck Ups, 20 Double Unders) rest 2mins; 3mins AMRAP @ 90% (10 Bed Sheet Body Rows, 5 Burpees) rest 2mins; usually for 5-10 total sets.
10-20mins Continuous Effort Grinder
Traditional FBB Example
- 15min Grinder:
50m Farmers Carry
30sec Ring Plank
3 Wall Walks
10 Tough Goblet Squats
Low Equipment/Home FBB Examples
- 15min Grinder:
40m Crawl
30sec Tall Plank to Elbow
4 Alternating Turkish Get Ups (hold weight or some household item)
16 Curtsy Squats alternating
Cyclical Aerobic Repeatable Sets
Traditional FBB Examples
- Run 400m @ 85% pace; rest walk 1:1 x 8 sets
- 6 Sets:
Row 15 Cals
Bike 15 Cals
Rest 90sec x 10 - 4 sets:
Row 500m @ 85%; rest 2mins
Row 250m @ 90%; rest 1min
(first 500m, 2min rest, then 250m faster, 1min rest, then back to 500m)
Low Equipment/Home FBB Examples
- Run 400m @ 85% pace; rest walk 1:1 x 8 sets
- 6 Sets:
60 Double Unders + 10 Burpees; rest walk 1:1 - 4 sets:
Run 400m @ 85%; rest 2mins
Run 200m @ 90%; rest 1min
(first 400m, 2min rest, then 200m faster, 1min rest, then back to 400m) - 5 Sets:
30sec – Walking lunges
30sec – Rest
30sec – Burpees
30sec – Rest
30sec – Double Unders
30sec Rest
30sec – Wall Walks
30sec Rest
Below are some of our favorite Functional Bodybuilding tools that you can use anywhere, and will continue to serve you for a long time to come. You can get a great set of tools for under $150, or add weight for a little more. You will likely have at least a few of these already or can substitute (sturdy chair or bench for the box, for example). A dumbbell or two and a kettlebell are all you need for loading if you want to add these on. Prices are likely to shift around but they are listed here to give you a ballpark of what the costs will be.
If you want to follow a done for you minimal equipment program, gather these items and join Persist! (Bodyweight options also available within the program.)
Mini Band set – $11
Jump stretch band #1 (light) – $13
Pull up bar – $29
Sliders – $9
Glute Loop – $11
Wood Plyo box, 3 heights in 1 – $45
Stability Ball – $20
Jump Rope – our favorite is the RPM Session which you can get for $55 and up (use code FILLY10 for a discount!). If this is out of your price range try this one (let us know if you like it).
Dumbbells – Amazon Basics start at $37 for a 35#. You can also get coated hex from CAP Barbell for a little more. You will need two of moderate weight for you for our upcoming free program.
Kettlebell – powder coat starts at $47 for a 35# or check out Kettlebell Kings for a great selection and free shipping! Choose a single KB of moderate weight for you for our program.
Glute Loop Moves
- Glute Bridge
- Wide Stance Glute Bridge
- Hip Thrust
- Wide Stance Hip Thrust
- Lateral Banded Walks
- Monster Banded Walks
- Skater Banded Walks
- Side Lying Abduction
- Clamshell Plank Thrusts
- Donkey Kicks
- Glute Loop Squats
- Glute Loop Good Mornings
Slide Board Moves
- Pike Ups
- Tuck Ups (bent knee pike up)
- Slide Board Fall Out Eccentrics
- Body Saw
- Mountain Climbers
- Seal Walks Forward and Backwards
- Single Arm Reach Push ups
- Archer Push ups
- Spiderman Push Up
- Reverse Lunge
- Curtsy Squat
- Hamstring Curls
- Single Leg Hamstring Curls
Pull Up Bar Moves
- Hanging Variations: Passive Hanging, Active Hanging (engage scaps), Single Arm Hanging
- Pull Up Negative Variations (change grip – pronated, supinated, neutral, mixed, add a DB between legs, change tempos)
- Strict Pull Up Variations (pronated, supinated, neutral, mixed, single arm bias, weighted)
- Scap Pull Ups
- Core Variations (Tuck Hang or Pull up, L-sit, Flutter, Windshield Wipers, Strict Toes to Bar with slow descent or 3 Position Elevator Descent, Leg Switches, Strict Knees to Elbow)
Physio Ball Moves
- Hands Elevated on Ball Incline Push Ups
- Feet Elevated on Ball Push Up
- Stir the Pot
- Curl Ups (sit up vertebrae by vertebrae)
- Russian Twist
- Knee Tucks
- Pike Ups
- Hip Thrusters
- Straight Leg Hip Extensions
- Bent Leg Hip Extensions
- Straight Leg Bridge
- Bent Leg Bridge
- Incline Plank
- Decline Plank
- Hamstring Curl
- Wall Sit
The example templates below will help you fill in a plan based on how often you’d like to train.
3 Days of Training Per Week
Warm-Up of Choice
Upper Pull and Squat Resistance Training
A1. Absolute Squat
A2. Absolute Pull
B1. Structural Single Leg x 3 sets
B2. Structural Core Flexion x 3 sets
C. EMOM x 10-12mins
1 – Breather Movement 30sec
2 – Breather Movement 30sec
30-60min Walk
Warm-Up of Choice
Upper Push and Hinge Resistance Training
A1. Absolute Hinge
A2. Absolute Push Horizontal
B1. Structural Single Leg Hip Ext x 3 sets
B2. Structural Push Vertical x 3 sets
C. AMRAP 15mins – Sustained Pace
1 – Breather Movement for 30-45sec
2 – Crawling Variation 30-40sec
3 – Plank Variation for 20-30sec
30-60min Walk
Warm-Up of Choice
Full Body Structural Balance w/ Breathing
4 Sets
A1. Structural Squat
rest 30sec
A2. Structural Horz Pull
rest 30sec
A3. Structural Rotational core
rest 30sec
A4. Structural Horz Push
rest 30sec
A5. Structural Single Leg Hinge
rest 30sec
A6. Breather movement for 30-45sec
rest 90sec
B. Anaerobic – Short Sprint Work – 10-20sec High Effort movement w/ full rest x 6-8 sets
5 Days of Training Per Week
Warm-Up of Choice
Upper Pull and Squat Resistance Training
A1. Absolute Squat
A2. Absolute Pull
B1. Structural Single Leg x 3 sets
B2. Structural Core Flexion x 3 sets
C. EMOM x 10-12mins
1 – Breather Movement 30sec
2 – Breather Movement 30sec
Warm-up of Choice
Sustained Aerobic Work
Warm-Up of Choice
Upper Push and Hinge Resistance Training
A1. Absolute Hinge
A2. Absolute Push Horizontal
B1. Structural Single Leg Hip Ext x 3 sets
B2. Structural Push Vertical x 3 sets
C. AMRAP 15mins – Sustained Pace
1 – Breather Movement for 30-45sec
2 – Crawling Variation 30-40sec
3 – Plank Variation for 20-30sec
Round the World – Easy Pace
1min – Easy Run
1min – 30sec side plank/side
1min – Easy Jump Rope Singles
1min – 30sec Superman hold/30sec Bent Hollow Hold
1min – Prisoner Step Ups
x 6-8 Rounds
Warm-Up of Choice
Full Body Structural Balance w/ Breathing
4 Sets
A1. Structural Squat
rest 30sec
A2. Structural Horz Pull
rest 30sec
A3. Structural Rotational core
rest 30sec
A4. Structural Horz Push
rest 30sec
A5. Structural Single Leg Hinge
rest 30sec
A6. Breather movement for 30-45sec
rest 90sec
B. Anaerobic – Short Sprint Work – 10-20sec High Effort movement w/ full rest x 6-8 sets
Full body Sustainable Aerobic Work
10min AMRAP @ 75%
30 Double Unders
15 Air Squats
12 Sit-Ups
30sec Crawl
rest 3mins
10min AMRAP @ 75%
3 Wall Walks with 5sec hold at the top
16 Walking Lunges
200m Run
rest 5mins x 2 (start back at the top)
SUNDAY – Reflect and Rest

Try Persist free to get all 5 tracks, including Minimalist - plus bodyweight only workouts. So you never have to worry about where you'll train.
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