A couple of weeks back I encouraged you to try a visioning exercise. I had you look forward several years to envision your life and all the wonderful things that were coming its way. A crystal clear view of your life 5 years from now can help tremendously when planning out the next steps in your life.
The same is true when it comes to training. For years as a coach, I’ve gone through the exercise of thinking about where I want my clients to go months or years from now and then working backward to today to plan out the training that will get them to their goals.
With a bigger group of clients like we have in PERSIST, it is harder to keep all of your specific goals in mind when writing out each detail of the program. What does help, however, is having a roadmap of the training year in mind before the pen goes to paper-building training cycles.
Just like with everything in life, training should have its seasons and cycles. We have evolved in environments that are changing cyclically around us. The weather and seasons change. For many of us the daylight rhythms change. With each of these climate and physical environmental changes that come, so do our behaviors and activities. The foods that are available to us change with the seasons too so our nourishment can look different depending on the month of the year. We go through seasons of life as we age, change careers, have families, etc. Change and seasonality are essential to life. Too much of the same and we get bored, stop adapting and become lesser versions of ourselves.