FREE Workout & Mobility

Build a better squat with the best of what I’ve learned over years of competing and coaching

Let's Get Squatting Pain Free!

Over many years of competitive sport, including competing for 6 years in the CrossFit Games, I was no stranger to pain and injury. But staying strong with a focus on longevity and physique means leaving no stone unturned to find ways to keep moving pain free.

Fortunately, I’ve been lucky enough to encounter friends and mentors like Ben Patrick, the Knees Over Toes Guy, and Functional Bodybuilding’s resident Doctor of Physical Therapy and Master Coach, Adam Fetter.

This video will show what I’ve learned from experience to develop a pain free squat – and you can put it all together in a free workout with some bonus mobility protocols from Adam.

FREE Workout & Mobility

Build a better squat with the best of what I’ve learned over years of competing and coaching

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