Persist August 2023 Highlights

Persist AUGUST Cycle Highlights

We are turning our attention to the August 14th training cycle next week. We began our Q3 build starting back on July 3rd. The next 6-week training cycle will build upon the previous cycle. Expect to see a similar train split in most of the tracks on most of the days.

Below I will outline what each day of the week entails from the perspective of movement patterns and primary lifts. I will also note specific strength balance movements we will hit throughout the week. For the tracks it is appropriate I will also give you insight into the conditioning format highlights so you can mentally prepare for the weeks ahead.

You will likely be able to spot unique training features right away in Week 1 of the new cycle starting next Monday, but to help guide you towards some of the highlights of the next 6 weeks I’ve put this guide together for you.



Training Split & Primary Lifts

  • Monday – Lower Body/Legs – Back Squats & Stiff Legged Deadlifts
  • Tuesday – Upper Body Push – Incline BB Bench Press & Dips
  • Wednesday – Upper Body Pull w/ Hinging – Strict Pull Ups & Rack Pulls
  • Thursday – Active Rest Day with Mobility
  • Friday – Full Body Push (Shoulder and Quad Focused) – Back Supported Barbell Press & Quad Dominant Split Squats
  • Saturday – Full Body Pull with Chest (Hamstrings, Chest, Back, and Biceps) – Good Morning/Hip Thrust & Single Arm DB Bench Press
  • Sunday – Rest Day & Work In Lesson

Strength Balance and Finishers

  • Monday – Knee Over Toe Lunge Work, Abductors/Glutes, Calves, and Core
  • Tuesday – Tricep Focused Work, Delt Complexes, and Push Up Burn Outs
  • Wednesday – T Bar Row/Unilateral DB Rows, Rear Delt Flys, and an OPTIONAL Trap Finisher
  • Friday – Unilateral Overhead Pressing, Tricep Short Range Presses, Core Isometrics and PUMP Finisher
  • Saturday – Direct Hamstring/Glute Work, Bodyweight Rowing, Bicep/Chest Finishers


Monday Strength Intensity

Part 1
Back Squat or Leg Press @30X1;
rest 1:30-2:30 beween sets
Set 1: 10 reps @ RPE 7
Set 2: 10 reps @ RPE 8
Set 3: 10 reps @ RPE 9
Set 4: -10% from Set 3 and perform for an AMRAP Set @ 20X0 Tempo
*Perform a series of 1-3 Warm Up Sets in order to find your working weight for Set 1

Part 2
Every 2mins x 3 Stiff Legged Deadlift @ 21X1 x 10-12 reps
*RPE 6-7/10 for all sets

Friday Strength Balance

Every 60-75sec x 6 (3/arm)
1st ) Right Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press @ 30X0 x 10-12reps
2nd) Left Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press @ 30X0 x 10-12reps
*Make the emphasis on the negative in the dumbbell push press. Use the leg drive from the Push Press to get the dumbbell overhead and then overload the shoulders on the lowering phase.

Saturday PUMP Finisher

3 sets
1st) Incline Bench Bicep Curl @ 30X0 x 8-12reps rest 15sec
2) Supinated Grip Pull-Up Isometric Hold – 15-30sec
rest 90-120sec sec and reset for the next set


Training Split & Primary Lifts

  • Monday – Lower Body/Legs – Back Squats & Stiff Legged Deadlifts
  • Tuesday – Upper Body Push – Incline BB Bench Press & Unilateral Overhead Presses
  • Wednesday – Upper Body Pull w/ Hinging – Rack Pull + Pull Up SUPERSETS
  • Thursday – Active Rest Day with Mobility
  • Friday – Full Body Push (Shoulder and Quad Focused) – Back Supported Barbell Press & Quad Dominant Contrast Method Movement Pairs**
    • **Goblet Squat into Drop Squats
  • Saturday – Full Body Pull with Chest (Hamstrings, Chest, Back, and Biceps) – Good Morning Contrast Movement Pairs** or Hip Thrust
    • **Good Morning into Russian KBS
  • Sunday – Rest Day & Work In Lesson

Strength Balance Focus

  • Monday – Abductors/Glutes and Calf Work
  • Tuesday – Dips and Shoulder Complex SUPERSETS
  • Wednesday – Back and Bicep Timed SUPERSETS
  • Friday – Unilateral Overhead Pressing
  • Saturday – Chest Press and Body Rows

Conditioning Focus

  • Monday – Fatigued Core and Lunging Couplet
  • Tuesday – Cardio SPRINTS w/ Tricep and Horizontal Pulls
  • Wednesday – No Cardio Hinge, Back, and Bicep Intervals
  • Friday – 5min AMRAP repeats with Squat, Hinge, and Core Movements
  • Saturday – Ascending 10min AMRAPS with Biceps, Back, and Breathing


Tuesday Conditioning

Every 2mins x 3 Sets
25sec Bike Calories @ high effort
8-15 Hands-on Bench Narrow Grip Tricep Pushup

  • At the end of the final 2-minute interval, move immediately into the next couplet –

Every 2mins x 3 Sets
25sec Bike Calories @ high effort
30-45 sec Ring Row Hold
*If wanting to make the ring row hold more challenging, elevate the feet and make sure to maximally bring the shoulder blades back.

Saturday Conditioning

10 min Continuous Clock 2-4-6-8-10….
DB Waiter Curl 20X0 40/30
1-1/4 Dumbbell Bench Press 40/30
*5/4 Calorie Bike between sets


Training Split & Primary Lifts

  • Monday – Hinge and Upper Pull – Snatch, Deadlift
  • Tuesday – Upper Body Push – HSPU Skill Work, Split Jerks
  • Wednesday – Squat Heavy – Cleans and Back Squats
  • Thursday – Active Rest Day with Mobility
  • Friday – Hinge and Push – Snatch Pulls, Snatch Deadlifts, and Banded Sumo Deadlifts
  • Saturday – Squat and Pull – Front Squats
  • Sunday – Rest Day & Work In Lesson

Strength Balance Focus

  • Monday – Muscle Up Skill Work and Accessory Pulling
  • Tuesday – Incline Bench Press and Shoulder Raise SUPERSETS
  • Wednesday – Unilateral Hinging
  • Friday – Arnold Pressing and Nordic Hamstring Curls
  • Saturday – Pull Ups and Split Squats

Conditioning Focus

  • Monday – Hot Start EMOM & Heavier Barbell Cycling/Core Conditioning Couplets
  • Tuesday – Hot Start Intervals & Heavy KB Grinder Conditioning Chippers
  • Wednesday – High Volume Squat & Hinge Chippers or 15min AMRAP Variations
  • Friday – 7min AMRAP repeats with Hinge, Push, and Breathing
  • Saturday – 60sec AMRAP intervals with Higher Skill Squats


Wednesday Conditioning

Round 1:
50 Air Squats
30/24 Calorie Row
30 Alternating DB Snatch 70/50lb or 50/35lbs
24 Pistols (12/side) OR 1624Ring Assisted Pistol Squat (12/side)

Rest for 1min then:

Round 2:
40 Air Squats
20/16 Calorie Row
20 Alternating DB Snatch 70/50lb or 50/35lbs
20 Pistols (10/side) OR 20 Ring Assisted Pistol Squat (10/side)

Rest for 1min then:

Round 3:
30 Air Squats
10/8 Calorie Row
16 Alternating DB Snatch 70/50lb or 50/35lbs
16 Pistols (8/side) OR 16 Ring Assisted Pistol Squat (8/side)

Saturday Conditioning

3-4 Rounds
60sec AMRAP
10 Overhead Squats or Front Squats 135/95lb or 95/65lbs
Max Reps Bar Muscle Ups or Kipping C2B Pull Ups or Body Rows in the time remaining
30sec rest
60sec AMRAP
Max Bike Calories
90sec rest between Rounds


Training Split & Primary Lifts

  • Monday – Lower Body Quad Focused – Back Squats or Cyclist Back Squat
  • Tuesday – Upper Body Push & Pull – Incline BB Bench Press & Unilateral Overhead Presses
  • Wednesday – Active Rest Day with Mobility
  • Thursday – Lower Body Hamstring Focused – Hip Thrust or Good Morning Contrast Movement Pairs**
    • **Good Morning into Russian KBS
  • Friday – Upper Body Push & Pull – Strict Pull Ups w/ Single Arm Chest Press
  • Saturday – Active Rest Day with Mobility
  • Sunday – Rest Day & Work In Lesson

Strength Balance Focus

  • Monday – Unilateral Hinging
  • Tuesday – Row and Bicep SUPERSETS
  • Thursday – Split Squats and Calf SUPERSETS
  • Friday – Triceps and Shoulder SUPERSETS

Conditioning Focus

  • Monday – Fatigued Core and Lunging Couplet
  • Tuesday – Heavy KB Grinder and Rotational Core Conditioning Chippers
  • Thursday – 4min AMRAP repeats with Squat, Hinge, and Core Movements
  • Friday – Upper Body Power SPRINTS w/ Tricep Push & Horizontal Pulls


Monday Conditioning

For Time @ Sustainable Pace
Sit Ups
Alternating Suitcase Knee over Toe Forward Lunge @ 20X0 50/35lbs (2-4″ Step) (R+L = 2)
*12/9 Bike Calories or Shuttle Runs After Each Round (6x)

Friday Strength Intensity TriSet

3 Working Sets

  1. Weighted Pronated Strict Pullup or Bodyweight Pronated Strict Pullup @ 21X0 x (Max Reps) rest 30sec
  2. Narrow Grip Dumbbell Bench Press @ 21X0 x 12-15 reps rest 30sec
  3. 30sec Max Reps Deficit Push Ups or Band Assisted Deficit Push Ups rest 90sec before going back to 1.
    *Choose the Pull Up and Push Up Option that allows you to get at least 10 reps or more.

new cycle starts mon. AUGUST 14th!

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