Persist Nutrition Coaching

Holiday Edition!

Enjoy the holidays and hit January strong

All in - Or All Out

Do you zigzag between these extremes? A lot of people believe you either have to be 100% committed to training and nutrition, or it isn’t worth the bother.

They repeat the same cycle again and again: 

  • Throw away the junk food
  • Track and count every bite
  • Stick to the gym routine

…until some disruption throws them off track. Then it’s back off the wagon for a month or two, or more.

Somewhere out there, millions of people are planning to start again in January.

But there’s a better way.

  • Instead of saying no to everything tasty and fun, you can enjoy holiday parties and treats and still stay on track.
  • Instead of feeling guilty for indulging, you could feel confident that you’re fueling your body’s needs.
  • And instead of dragging yourself back to the gym on Jan 1, you could keep moving and hit 2024 with momentum…

…even if you’re traveling, partying, and eating your favorite holiday meals.

Look Good, Eat Well Year Round

Introducing Persist Nutrition Holiday Edition – 8 weeks of one on one coaching to guide you confidently through the holiday season. And build skills for well beyond.

Over the next 8 weeks, your coach will work with you to:

  • Set the foundation of simple, repeatable nutrition habits and skills
  • Create custom macros and sample meal plans to show you what and how much to eat for your goals
  • Game plan your holiday travel and events so you feel prepared for any situation
  • Help you find the balance to enjoy the holidays and still improve your health and fitness


You and your coach will decide the best strategies for you. A sample timeline could look like:

Nov 6 – 19: 

  • Build your breakfast skills to eat 50g protein early in the day
  • Learn your overall calorie and macronutrient needs with example sample meals
  • Make plans for nutrition during Thanksgiving week

Nov 20 – 26:

  • Put your travel plan in play to hit daily protein goals on the road
  • Train with Persist Minimalist to get a couple dumbbell workouts in
  • Lean on your coach for accountability to incorporate family walks and protein breakfasts

Nov 27 – Dec 17

  • Build on what you learned so far, and work on meeting fiber needs to keep you full
  • Focus on a small training goal to keep motivation high during dark, cold December
  • Manage stress make a plan for holiday parties

Dec 18 – 31

  • Put your skills to work and celebrate with confidence
  • Share a workout with friends or family
  • Keep cruising with protein, fiber, and nutrition right into the new year!

How Does It Work?


Select one of our certified nutrition coaches to work with, then complete a one-time payment of $260 USD.

Participant requirements:

  • Active Persist subscriber*
  • Ready to take action for 8 weeks and communicate with your coach

* If you are not currently in Persist, you can save $20 when you register for Persist Nutrition. Persist Nutrition does not include your Persist training program.

Tell us about you

We want to know about your life to make a plan that works best for you. After your payment is complete, you’ll be redirected immediately to the nutrition intake. Your coach will review all your information and put together a personalized plan for you.

Macros & Planning

No more mystery. Your coach will calculate your macros and share the process in a personalized video that you can refer back to any time. You’ll understand the “why” behind each of the choices they make.

Your coach will also give you a personalized plan for clear next steps and make sure you feel confident you can keep them up. They’ll also set you up with a Cronometer account for meal tracking and reaching your coach with questions.

Support & Weekly Check-ins

You’ll track food or implement the strategies from your coach, continue following your Persist training, and complete a short weekly check in online so your coach can update your next steps. Your coach will assist you with accountability towards your goals, problem solving, and adjusting your personal approach as needed. You can also reach out any time you have a question. 

You Will Get:

  • Personalized video from your coach addressing your goals
  • Custom macro and nutrition plan, with 3 days of meal examples
  • Check-ins reviewed by your coach to help you through the holidays
  • Cronometer account for meal tracking
  • Unlimited questions and support for 8 weeks
  • BONUS Holiday Survival Guide!

Frequently Asked Questions

What about training?

Your coach will also discuss movement with you and what your activity outside the gym is like. All participants of Persist Nutrition must also be in the Persist training program; your coach will guide you to the track of Persist most appropriate for you, and answer any training questions you may have as well.

Who are the coaches?

You will select a Functional Bodybuilding Master Coach to guide your nutrition plan. Each of our coaches has extensive experience with 1:1 nutrition and movement coaching. All of our coaches are certified by Precision Nutrition.

How is this different from other nutrition programs?

This program is designed for Thinking Athletes who want to learn the “why” of what works. In addition to a nutrition plan that is optimized for Functional Bodybuilding training, your coach will also teach you along the way. When your body or life circumstances inevitably change, you will be better prepared to meet these new demands with your nutrition toolbox.

What if I hate tracking macros?

Your coach will help you find a sustainable way to build skills and nutrition habits that work for you. You can also weigh and measure, or use hand portion estimations to make tracking simple.

How does Cronometer work?

Cronometer is a free app that has a ton of features to make tracking food easy. It includes a bar code scanner, saved recipes, and easy ways for your coach to see how you’re doing and message you within the app. You won’t need to pay anything extra to use Cronometer with this program.

Is this a one time charge or recurring?

This program is a one-time charge for 8 weeks of coaching, and does not include your Persist training program. 

What happens after the conclusion?

You can choose to renew with your coach for another term if you wish, though availability of this program may be limited.

More questions? Use the chat bubble on this page to get in touch.

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