Persist November 2023 Highlights

Persist NOVEMBER Cycle Highlights

New training starts Monday, November 13! Each training cycle of Persist builds on itself week to week. Take a look to see what’s coming in each track. Or try the Track Quiz to find your perfect track.

New Features This Cycle:

  • Finish on time with time stamps in each section of the workout
  • No-click demos in a quick-view carousel
  • Improved results tracking

And remember, you can use the Minimalist Bodyweight workshop or the Minimalist track (for low equipment options) any time you’re at a hotel gym or on the road this holiday season!


Training Split & Primary Lifts

  • Monday – Upper Body Push and Pull – Barbell Bent Over Row and Low Incline Bench Press
  • Tuesday – Lower Body Squat Focus – Back Rack Reverse Lunge and Back Squat
  • Wednesday – Arms and Shoulders – Shoulder Lateral Raises and Barbell Strict Press
  • Thursday – Active Rest Day with Mobility
  • Friday – Full Body Push – Weighted Strict Dips and Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats
  • Saturday – Full Body Pull – Sumo Deadlifts and Seated Cable Row/T-Bar Row
  • Sunday – Rest Day & Work In Lesson

Strength Balance and Finishers

  • Monday – Single Arm Lat Pull Downs & Chest Fly/Tricep SUPERSET
  • Tuesday – Hamstring Curl Machine/& Calf Raise and Knee Tuck SUPERSETS
  • Wednesday – Skull Crushers/Alternating Bicep Curls SUPERSETS & Strict Pull Up/Rear Delt Fly SUPERSETS
  • Friday – Alternating DB Bench Press & Pulse Cyclist Squats/Overhead Tricep Extension SUPERSET
  • Saturday – Elbowing Rows & DB Bicep Curl Complex/Core FINISHER


Friday Strength Intensity

Sumo Deadlift
Every 2:30 x 4 sets

Warmup Set 1: 10 reps @ 20X1 – Easy to Moderate

Set 1: 12 reps @ 20X1 – RPE 7
Set 2: 10 reps @ 20X1 – RPE 7
Set 3: 8 reps @ 20X1 – RPE 7
Set 4: Subtract 10-15% of the weight from Set 3 and perform a max rep set @ 20X0 (No Pauses) – RPE 10 (form failure)

Wednesday Strength Balance

3 Working Sets

  1. Barbell Skullcrusher
    Warm-Up Set: 15 reps @ 20X0 – Easy Pre-Fatigue
    Working Set 1: 15 reps @ 20X0 – RPE 7-8
    Working Set 2: 15 reps @ 20X0 – Same Weight as Working Set 1

    Rest 30sec and proceed to 2 –
  1. Top-Down Alternating Dumbbell Curl
    Warm-Up Set: 12/arm @ 20X0 – Easy Pre-Fatigue
    Working Set 1: 12/arm @ 20X0 – RPE 7-8
    Working Set 2: 12/arm @ 20X0 – Same Weight as Working Set 1

Perform your 12 Curl Reps as follows
5 Reps Right
5 Reps Left
4 Reps Right
4 Reps Left
3 Reps Right
3 Reps Left
Rest 60sec and return to 1 –

Saturday PUMP Finisher

2 Sets

  1. DB Hammer Curl x 10 reps @ 20X0 Heavy
    – no rest directly into
  2. DB Hammer Curl x 10 reps @ 20X0 Moderate
    no rest directly into –
  3. DB Reverse Curl Light – Burnout
    no rest directly into – 
  4. DB Turkish Sit Up x 60sec Max Reps

rest 90 sec seconds and then back to 1.


Challenge me! Strength, Olympic lifting, gymnastics

Training Split & Primary Lifts

  • Monday – Upper Body Push and Pull – High Rep Barbell Bent Over Row
  • Tuesday – Lower Body Single Leg Biased – Back Rack Reverse Lunges
  • Wednesday – Arms and Shoulders – Lateral Shoulder Raise & Barbell Press SUPERSET
  • Thursday – Active Rest Day with Mobility
  • Friday – Full Body Push – Weighted Dips and DB Bench Press
  • Saturday – Full Body Pull – Sumo Deadlifts
  • Sunday – Rest Day & Work In Lesson

Strength Balance Focus

  • Monday – Bench Press & Ring Row Hold SUPERSETS
  • Tuesday – Cyclist Squats and Glute Ham Developer SUPERSETS
  • Wednesday – Skull Crushers/Alternating Bicep Curls SUPERSETS
  • Friday – Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats
  • Saturday – Elbowing Rows and Pull Up SUPERSETS

Conditioning Focus

  • Monday – HOT START + 4min Intervals – Run/Double Unders, Push Ups, and DB Snatches
  • Tuesday – Sprint Effort Intervals – Jump Lunges/Core/Rowing or Biking
  • Wednesday – 12min Ascending AMRAP – Pull Ups and Rear Delt Isolation
  • Friday – AEROBIC BODYBUILDING + Cardio Couplets w/ Squats and Core
  • Saturday – 15min Minute AMRAP w/ 30sec interval rest – Dumbbell Push and Hinge Focused


Wednesday Conditioning

12min AMRAP

Mixed Grip Strict Pull-Up or Banded Assisted Mixed Grip Strict Pull-Up (switch grip as needed throughout the AMRAP)

Ring Face Pull
*20m KB Farmers Carry after each round 70/53lb or 53/35lbs

Saturday Conditioning

15 Minute AMRAP

250m/200m Row
20m Dual DB Rack Carry
10 Dumbbell Hang Power Clean 50lb/35lbs or 35/30lb
5 Dumbbell Deadlifts 50lb/35lbs or 35/30lb

Rest 30 sec after each round


Training Split & Primary Lifts

  • Monday – Full Body Push – Low Incline Bench Press
  • Tuesday – Full Body Pull – Barbell Cycling Snatch with Gymnastics
  • Wednesday – Arms, Shoulders, & HS Walk Skill Work – Lateral Shoulder Raise + Strict Press
  • Thursday – Active Rest Day with Mobility
  • Friday – Full Body Push – Back Rack Reverse Lunges
  • Saturday – Full Body Pull – Power Cleans, Barbell Rows & Strict Pull Ups
  • Sunday – Rest Day & Work In Lesson

Strength Balance Focus

  • Monday – Cyclist Back Squat EMOM
  • Tuesday – Pre-Fatigue Dumbbell Hinging + Barbell Sumo Deadlifts
  • Wednesday – Skull Crushers & Alternating DB Curls
  • Friday – Strict Dip & Dumbbell Bench SuperSets
  • Saturday – Single Leg Deadlifts and Leg Raises

Conditioning Focus

  • Monday – HOT START Sprint Lunge Push + 10-12 Min Time Domain Triplets with Squat/Overhead Lift
  • Tuesday – Ascending AMRAP 12mins of Strict Pull Ups and Double Unders
  • Wednesday – 17min Time Cap Chippers with Extended Cardio
  • Friday – Interval AMRAPs lasting 3mins with Bodyweight or Lightweight Moves
  • Saturday – 15min AMRAP w/ 30sec Rest Intervals – A unique day when we do CONDITIONING first in the workout for the day.


Wednesday Conditioning

For Time
2000/1600m Bike
30 Toes to Bar
30 Gorilla Rows (30/arm) 53/35lb
1500/1200m Bike
20 Toes to Bar
20 Gorilla Rows (20/arm) 53/35lb
1000/800m Bike
10 Toes to Bar
10 Gorilla Rows (10/arm) 53/35lb
Time Cap – 17mins

Saturday Conditioning

15 Minute AMRAP
5 Right Arm Kettlebell Snatch 70lb/53lb or 53lb/35lb
5 Left Arm Kettlebell Snatch 70lb/53lb or 53lb/35lb
4 Bar Muscle Ups or 8 Kipping Chest to Bar Pull-Up or 8 Kipping Pull-Up 250m/200m Row
30m Goblet Carry 70lb/53lb or 53lb/35lb
Rest 30sec After Each Round

PILLARS & minimalist

Training Split & Primary Lifts

  • Monday – Upper Body Push and Pull – Bent Over Row
  • Tuesday – Lower Body Single Biased – Back Rack Lunges
  • Wednesday – Active Rest Day with Mobility
  • Thursday – Full Body Pull Day – Sumo Deadlift
  • Friday – Full Body Push Day – Lateral Raise + Strict Press SUPERSET
  • Saturday – Active Rest Day with Mobility
  • Sunday – Rest Day & Work In Lesson

Strength Balance Focus

  • Monday – Barbell Bench Press and Body Row Holds SUPERSETS
  • Tuesday – Back Squat and Hamstring Curl SUPERSETS
  • Thursday – Strict Pull Ups and Bicep SUPERSETS
  • Friday – Hand Supported Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats

Conditioning Focus

  • Monday – 4min Intervals – Run/Double Unders, Push Ups, and DB Snatches
  • Tuesday – Sprint Effort Intervals – Jump Lunges/Core/Rowing or Biking
  • Thursday – 12min Minute AMRAP w/ 30sec interval rest – Dumbbell Push and Hinge Focused
  • Friday – Lightweight/Bodyweight Back to Back Timed Couplets


Friday Conditioning

For Time:
Hands on Bench Narrow Grip
Tricep Pushup

After each round complete

5/4 Row Calories
– no rest immediately into

For Time:
Jump Lunges (R+L =2)

After each round complete:
5/4 Row Calories

Monday Strength Balance SUPERSET

Every 3:30 x 3 Working Sets

  1. Bench Press 8 reps @ 21X1
    – directly into
  2. Pronated Ring Row Hold OR Pronated Body Row Isometric x 30 sec
    – rest until the start of the next 3:00


Get started today by signing up for your 2-week free trial. You’ll get all 5 tracks to try to find your perfect workout, plus bonus ebooks!

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