Persist October 2023 Highlights

Persist October Cycle Highlights

New training starts Monday, October 2! Each training cycle of Persist builds on itself week to week. Take a look to see what’s coming in each track. Or try the Track Quiz to find your perfect track.


Training Split & Primary Lifts

  • Monday – Upper Body Push and Pull – Strict Dumbbell Press and Weighted Pull Ups
  • Tuesday – Lower Body Squat Focus – Front Squat and Long Step Lunges
  • Wednesday – Arms and Shoulders – EZ Bar and DB Twists Curls with Skull Crushers
  • Thursday – Active Rest Day with Mobility
  • Friday – Full Body Pull – Deficit Deadlifts and Single Arm Lat Rows
  • Saturday – Full Body Push – Wide & Close Grip Bench Press and Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
  • Sunday – Rest Day & Work In Lesson

Strength Balance and Finishers

  • Monday – Dumbbell Bench Press/Push Ups SUPERSET & Bent Over Row/Core SUPERSET
  • Tuesday – Nordic Hamstring Curls & Glute Bridge/Adductor SUPERSETS
  • Wednesday – Side/Rear Delt SUPERSETS & Bicep/Tricep/Core TRISETS
  • Friday – Pull Over/Hanging Core SUPERSET & Strict Pull Up/Bicep SUPERSET
  • Saturday – Dumbbell Bench/Tricep SUPERSET & Cyclist Squat/Shoulder FINISHER


Friday Strength Intensity

Deficit Sumo Deadlift (2-3″ Deficit)
*Please use a double overhand grip. Avoid a mixed grip so we don’t put unnecessary stress on the biceps. Lifting Straps are allowed and encouraged.
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets

Set 1: 12-15 reps @21X1 – RPE 6-7
Set 2: 10-12 reps @21X1 – RPE 6-7
Set 3: 8-10 reps @21X1 – RPE 6-7
Set 4: 6-8 reps @21X1 – RPE 6-7

Wednesday Strength Balance

Every 3:00-4:00 x 2-3 set Perform the following SuperSet

  1. Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raise @ 20X0 x 10-12reps -15sec rest and proceed to 2-
  2. Seated Dumbbell Rear Delt Raise @ 20X0 x 10-12reps -rest until the next 3:00 or 4:00 interval and restart 1-

Saturday PUMP Finisher

Part 1

Goblet Cyclist Squat
1 Warm-Up Set – 15-25 reps with a light to moderate weight
-rest 2:00 before and begin the working set-
1 Working Set – @ 30X0 Tempo to Failure (aim to fail between 8-15 reps) + Double Rest-Pause

Part 2

Barbell Upright Row
1 Warm-Up Set – 15-25 reps with a light to moderate weight
-rest 2:00 before and begin the working set-
1 Working Set – @ 30X0 Tempo to Failure (aim to fail between 8-15 reps) + Double Rest-Pause


Training Split & Primary Lifts

  • Monday – Upper Body Push and Pull – High Rep Dumbbell Strict Press
  • Tuesday – Lower Body Squat Biased – Front Squat Intensity Sets
  • Wednesday – Arms and Shoulders – Twist Curl and Skull Crusher SUPERSET
  • Thursday – Active Rest Day with Mobility
  • Friday – Full Body Pull – Deficit Deadlifts
  • Saturday – Full Body Push – Bench Press and Split Squat SUPERSET
  • Sunday – Rest Day & Work In Lesson

Strength Balance Focus

  • Monday – Dumbbell Bench Press and Strict Pull-Up SUPERSETS
  • Tuesday – Lunges and Hamstring Curl SUPERSETS
  • Wednesday – Side and Rear Delt SUPERSETS
  • Friday – Rear Delts and Lat SUPERSETS
  • Saturday – Chest and Tricep SUPERSETS

Conditioning Focus

  • Monday – HOT START + 12 Minute AMRAP – Cardio with Bodyweight Pushing and DB Oy Lift
  • Tuesday – High Effort Interval Weight Training – Dumbbell Deadlifts and Jumps w/ High Effort Cardio
  • Wednesday – Every 4min Fatigued Shoulder & Arms Grinder Sets
  • Friday – AEROBIC BODYBUILDING + Timed Fatigue Abdominals & Back
  • Saturday – Timed High Volume Quads and Shoulders


Wednesday Conditioning

Every 4mins x 3 Sets
1min Farmers Carry 50/35lbs
10 DB Burpees 50/35lbs
15 Waiter Curls 50/35lbs
15 Diamond Push Up

Saturday Conditioning

For Time 5-10-15-15-10-5
Dumbbell Front Squat (50/35lb or 35/20lb)
Dual Dumbbell Hang Clean High Pull (50/35lb or 35/20lb)
*30 Double Unders or 60 Single Unders between each round (5 Total Sets of Jump Rope)
*15min Time Cap


Training Split & Primary Lifts

  • Monday – Upper Body Push and Squat – Back Squat
  • Tuesday – Full Body Pull – Snatch and Conventional Deadlifts
  • Wednesday – Arms and Shoulders – Bicep Curls, Tricep Extensions, and Shoulder Laterals
  • Thursday – Active Rest Day with Mobility
  • Friday – Upper Body Push and Squat – Front Squat and Bench Press
  • Saturday – Full Body Pull – Cleans and RDLs
  • Sunday – Rest Day & Work In Lesson

Strength Balance Focus

  • Monday – Touch and Go Push Presses
  • Tuesday – High Volume Strict Pull Ups
  • Wednesday – Muscle Up Skill Work and Wrist/Shoulder Bulletproofing
  • Friday – Lateral Core Work, Unilateral Carries
  • Saturday – Tripod DB Rows and Pull-Overs

Conditioning Focus

  • Monday – Hot Start Sprint and Upper Body Strength & Bodyweight/Lightweight 12min AMRAPs
  • Tuesday – Challenging Barbell and Core Grinders
  • Wednesday – Alphabet Soup – Every 7min Mixed Modal Intervals
  • Friday – Hot Start Intervals and High Volume Squat Burpee Conditioning
  • Saturday – Power Work with TnG Oly Lifts and Cardio Machine Sprints


Wednesday Conditioning

Every 7mins x 3-4 Sets
A. 15 Russian KBS 70/53lb or 53/35lb
B. 50 Double Unders or 100 Single Unders
C. 12-20 Cal Row
D. 12 Burpee over Rower
E. 12 Wall Balls 20/14lbs to 10′ or 15 Cyclist Air Squat

Set 1 – ABCDE
Set 2 – EDCBA
Set 3 – CDEAB
Set 4 – BAEDC

Saturday Conditioning

3 sets @ High Effort
Bike 15/12 Calories
Power Snatch x 10 (95/65lb)
rest 2mins between sets

  • With each set increase your speed on the Bike or Rower and attempt to cycle the barbell with greater efficiency and/or speed.


Training Split & Primary Lifts

  • Monday – Upper Body Push and Pull – High Rep Dumbbell Strict Press
  • Tuesday – Lower Body Squat Biased – Front Squat Intensity Sets
  • Wednesday – Active Rest Day with Mobility
  • Thursday – Full Body Pull Day – Sumo Deadlift
  • Friday – Full Body Push Day – Bench Press & Split Squat SUPERSET
  • Saturday – Active Rest Day with Mobility
  • Sunday – Rest Day & Work In Lesson

Strength Balance Focus

  • Monday – Dumbbell Bench Press and Strict Pull-Up SUPERSETS
  • Tuesday – Lunges and Hamstring Curl SUPERSETS
  • Thursday – Upper Back Row and Bicep SUPERSETS
  • Friday – Triceps and Shoulder SUPERSET

Conditioning Focus

  • Monday – 12 Minute AMRAP – Cardio with Bodyweight Pushing and DB Oy Lift
  • Tuesday – High Effort Interval Weight Training – Dumbbell Deadlifts and Jumps w/ High Effort Cardio
  • Thursday – Timed Fatigued Abdominals and Back
  • Friday – Timed High Volume Quads and Chest w/ Jump Roping


Friday Conditioning

For Time 5-10-15-15-10-5
Dumbbell Front Squat (50/35lb or 35/20lb)
Dual Dumbbell Hang Clean High Pull (50/35lb or 35/20lb)
*30 Double Unders or 60 Single Unders between each round (5 Total Sets of Jump Rope)
*15min Time Cap

Monday Strength Balance SUPERSET

Every 3:30 x 3 Sets Perform the following SuperSet

  1. Incline Dumbbell 1-1/4 Bench Press x 10-12reps @ RPE 7
    -30sec rest and proceed to 2-
  2. BW Pronated Strict Pull-Ups or Band/Machine-Assisted Pronated Strict Pull-Ups
    Max Reps to Failure
    *Choose a pull-up variation (BW or Assisted) that allows you to get a minimum of 10 reps
    -rest until the next 3:30 interval and restart 1-

new cycle starts mon. october 2nd!

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